First understand why your bank loan application is being repeatedly rejected. Learn 125 solid reasons, rectify them & then raise bank loans & business loans.
In this Video tutorial, we explain 125 Solid Reasons, why your bank loan application
is being repeatedly rejected. Without understanding reasons, why your bank loans
& business loans are being repeatedly rejected and still if you keep on trying for bank
loans & business loans from different banks, You are simply wasting your precious
Time, Money & Effort”.
First, you must understand these reasons & try to rectify those mistakes. If you do not understand & rectify the mistakes, you will never be successful in raising any kind of Loans, for any purpose, from any Bank or any financial institutions in the future, anywhere in the country. Any number of attempts with any number of Banks or Financial Institutions will be simply futile. Avoid wasting your Time, Money & Effort.
Did you know that more than 80-85% of the business loan proposals get rejected by the banks, throughout the world? Only very few lucky one get their proposals through. Banks have found out more ways and have adopted more procedures to disapprove your proposal than to approve your proposals.
After the banks have rejected their business loan proposals, the entrepreneurs think about mortgaging their properties. Then raising loans by pledging their insurance policies, stock & shares is again a known thing, which is not something new or a great suggestion.
As the business grows, every entrepreneur gets involved into credit in one form or the other. Given the present day context, there is not a single business owner or an entrepreneur who has not taken some form of credit. The very foundation of banking is based on credit. Since every bank & financial organisation gives credit to people for as many reasons one can imagine and in as many ways as possible. A need was probably felt to monitor all the activities concerning credits like how much credit one takes, what one does with all the credit, what is their payment pattern, how they pay back, etc.
Hence to monitor all these credit activities, not only of individuals but even of companies, Governments all over the world have created organisations to track all credit & financial transactions of all individuals & companies. These are called Credit History Tracking Agencies or Credit Bureaus or Credit Monitoring Agencies. Every business entrepreneur should be aware of these Credit Bureaus, Credit Monitoring Agencies, credit scores & credit history etc.