How to raise money for business & capital for business from “Industry Supporting Bodies”. They ensure “Smart Capital” to startups & business owners
In this video tutorials, we discuss how the business owners especially the Startup entrepreneurs should learn, how to raise money for business from various “Industry Supporting Bodies”. They ensure “Smart Capital” to startups & business owners by coordinating with Investors.
One of the main functions of these bodies is to ensure “Smart Capital” accessible by entrepreneurs. These bodies always seek to bridge the gap & co-ordinate between investors & business owners & startup entrepreneurs. They foster entrepreneurship in every way. They are the trade associations & business support organisations existing all over the world having global support network and encourage entrepreneurship in every way. They also play a vital role in your recognition in the industry, if your business performance is good or has made any notable achievements. These organisations can provide valuable information and help by becoming the trusted source for industry information & also impart knowledge and training.
They will take up your Industry problems in general, sometimes even an individual business owner or startup entrepreneur’s cause & fight for your cause at various levels including at all senior governmental levels both at the State level & Central levels. The problems faced by your industry in general will be discussed at proper industry forums, various trade forums including at governmental level & ensure not only great relief is obtained but also could straighten up the issues permanently if the causes are genuine.
Apart from helping its members access business capital from various resources, they create value for the members by providing networking opportunities. They will be very helpful in providing useful contacts and referrals, which is very important for business entrepreneurs.
Industry supporting bodies are the main sources in organizing various Trade delegations and you can get selected to be a part of trade delegation travelling across the world. They help in setting the industry standards.
There are many industry supporting bodies in India, probably there could be hundreds of them. One can get the maximum benefits by registering & by becoming a member of these trade bodies.